For those of us attempting to build network marketing or online home based businesses, one major source of possible candidates for our business are the people we already know, or have previously met. That is where you should start to build you business. This is your warm circle.
The funny thing is that all of us have "chicken lists" made up of people who intimidate us by their outward appearance of success. They live in fancy houses, drive expensive cars, own large companies and always seem to have money to spare. We tend to tell ourselves that they really don't need the business we are sharing, but our assumption is based on appearance only. We don't know what is really going on in their world, or whether they would be open to the opportunity or not. Don't be fooled by their facade.
The chances are that they got to where they are by being go-getters to begin with, the kind of people who could take a business like we have to offer and run with it. If the business we are trying to share is as good as we think, they may see something in it far beyond what we are able to see from our current perspective. They may just decide to go on and do it, but they can't if we don't share the opportunity.
We need to be fearless, or at least swallow our fears in the moment of sharing. Maybe we need to envision ourselves as being one of the top people in our network, earning tens of thousand of dollars a month or more, and ask ourselves how we would approach them is that was our situation. I seriously doubt that there are many people who would intimidate us much if we were in fact, at that level.
Sure, there may be lots of easier targets to approach. The truth is that we have no idea what is really going on inside anyone else's head. Our assumptions may preclude some great possibilities. We may write people off for one reason or another, but are we doing them or ourselves a service in doing so? We just need to share what we have. I think most of us send far too much time contemplating how we are going to share what we have, versus actually sharing the concepts. Some will, some won't and so what. That is the nature of any network marketing business.
Charlie McCormick has been observing and participating in various
network marketing organizations for many years, and has chronicled the
wisdom gained from those experiences in a series of short articles. For
more information about him or about Network Marketing, visit
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