Sunday, August 31, 2014

#InternetMarketing - Is It Really For You?

  Most business-minded people think you must have a college education or have a "business mind" to start, and be successful in a business. Of course, it all depends on the TYPE of business you want to start. The business I am referring to here is Online Internet Marketing.
  Having an online presence in this highly competitive Internet marketing arena is very challenging to say the least. It will take a tremendous amount of trial and error to find the program that is right for you. If you haven't noticed yet, the internet is loaded with programs and offers that promise "overnight success" IF you invest $$$ to buy their plan(s).

  Of course, as is with anything else, there are legitimate programs out there that will give you a step by step blueprint to follow that really works but remember one thing, for you to be successful you MUST follow each step to a tee! Also remember there are NO GUARANTEES IN ANYTHING!!!!

  To become established online, there are a few basics that you must attend to before you can become an internet marketer. These basics are as follows:

  1) You need to get a domain name for your business. This would be you decide upon that is available. However, keep in mind that whatever you select must be relevant to your internet marketing efforts. I would be more than happy to give you a few suggestions where to go to obtain an inexpensive domain name.

  2) Once you obtain your domain name, the next thing you need to do is select a NICHE in which you would like to market. This can be anything that is of interest to you, such as travel, books, gardening, or even promoting your own product(s). Keep it interesting though.

  3) The next step is to establish your own website so others can see what you have to offer. After all, offering something of value, that may be of interest to the public would be a waste of time if you don't have the proper means to get the information onto their computer monitors.

  Of course there is more to having a SUCCESSFUL online presence than the three (3) steps I mentioned above. It will also take dedication, persistence and a lot of patience. Above all, you MUST have a high tolerance for failure because, as I mentioned above, you will have to conduct a lot of "trial and error" before you will find the best plan of action for you. However it IS out there and you WILL succeed if you want it bad enough.

  So, let me ask you again. Internet Marketing - Is It Really For You? If you can honestly answer YES, then you are already on your way.
To learn more about this fascinating business opportunity, check out my website at, or email me at

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