Thursday, October 30, 2014

Your Key to Success - Stop Blaming Others or Your Circumstances

I want to talk about the key to success in your business, and how complacency and discontent in whatever business you're in, whether it's in affiliate marketing, network marketing or your own small business, can keep you from getting where you want to be.

It can be very difficult to keep up the daily pace of marketing, advertising and building business relationships online and offline. And at the end of the day when it seems like you've not made any progress, you can start feeling discontent and complacent, either of which can go a long way toward destroying your drive to pursue your dreams.

A lot of people in this position start playing the blame game. "I don't have a good sponsor." "I don't have any money to invest." "I don't have enough time." "I'm not good at this."

I know. I used to be there. But you won't find me blaming others for my lack of achievements in my business, even though I can get discontent and complacent too. I'll be the first to admit that even I have days where I simply want just quit. But then, I'd be giving up on my dreams.

These are the days I call my "mental health" days, when I need to reassess why I'm in this business in the first place, and if I still have these same goals and dreams.

Of course I do! So let's take a look at how successful people think in these areas where you might be placing blame for what you see as your lack of success:

"I don't have a good sponsor."

Well, it's not your sponsor's job to make you successful. It's yours. People drop out of businesses or systems or programs every day, even after they've sponsored people in. Once they're gone, does that mean you leave too?

No. If you're in the right business, there will be tons of support in a forum, on a private Facebook group, and other friends you've met in the business you can reach out to.

Ultimately, it's your job to make yourself successful, no one else's.

"I don't have any money to invest."

Stop blaming lack of money for your lack of success. It's 2014, almost 2015. The Internet is so full of free resources that you should never let the lack of money get in your way.

If you have enough money to get online, that's all you need. The rest is free to use!

"I don't have enough time."

This is one I hear all the time, even from family members who complain about their jobs and going broke.
But the next day they're off on a road trip, going to a party, hanging out with the neighbors, going to dinner, etc., etc.

Time management is something that's controllable. You only feel like don't have enough time, but you've just as much time to manage as everyone else on the planet.

It's just a matter of what you're doing with your time that's important.

"I'm not good at this."

If you're brand new to Internet marketing or network marketing, keep in mind, no one is perfect at this. What you need to do is find out one area of marketing that you like, and learn as much as you can about that one area.

For example, if you love spending time on Facebook, learn about Facebook marketing.

Are you a Twitter junkie? You can get a lot of traffic by using the right Twitter methods.

The same can be said for forums and Pinterest; anything online can be used successfully if you put your mind to it.

The bottom line is this - how much effort in time or money are you willing to put into working for your dreams?

Remember, they're your dreams, not your sponsor's dreams or your friends' dreams. They're yours. And only you can make them happen. Only you can learn how to be happy again in your business and make yourself successful.

Karen Musselman works from home and provides "Online Marketing Help Without the Hype," from her home office, including more information about making excuses in your business. "Working at Home with KSMusselman also provides training videos for members of the marketing company she's a member of. Stop by Karen's blog today for more online marketing help.

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