What is time freedom? It's work, but not as we know it...
Much is made, particularly among successful online business people, of the saying 'time freedom'. Many online marketers use this to attract potential customers to purchase their wares, unaware that this is almost becoming an industry jargon statement, a buzz phrase which not only washes over the heads of those who have no concept of time freedom, but leaves them thinking that they are definitely not on the inside track to any sort of freedom, if they need the phrase explaining.
There is the first hitch. Either you bandy around this possibly elusive, slightly vague around the edges phrase to all and sundry as if that is all you need to say to persuade people to hand over their card details, or you are on the receiving end, sort of having an idea what it means, but don't really quite like to ask. Or it is made to sound as if purchasing a ten dollar e-book will magically transport you to a world of carefree pleasure that awaits you with open arms. It has become a catch all phrase to convey the concept of everything people want but don't have. It almost suggests no work at all, for after all, don't you only have free time if you are not at work?
The second hitch is in the perception of who it's for. It's actually for everyone. But you wouldn't necessarily know. Those having already achieved it, in any measure, sing about it ad nauseum, as the holy grail of business, and indeed of life itself. Which it may well be. But try telling that to an overworked full time mum, or a mum who has to do a full time job around the family, or the dad who is away from home long, long hours and misses out on so much else in his role as provider.
The idea might be all well and good, but finding time to get off your particular merry go round, for long enough to do anything about it, is another thing all together. The wherewith all, the emotional energy in some cases, to make a start, to make some changes, can be quite another matter. Like most people, you will be all out just making sure you keep your head above water. That leaves little time for considering change, however much you may wish for it. It can seem a million impossible miles from where you are, and where you believe you think you might be able to be. But you shouldn't be too hard on yourself if this is you. There will be a moment, an opportunity, to take the first small step, and when it comes, you will be able to grasp it firmly and make a start.
To complete the trio, the third hitch can often be other people. Let's say for a minute that you have understood the concept, and are making a break for it, and determining to make the necessary changes to accomplish your particular goal. Whilst hopefully you will have support from those around you, it is more than likely you may possibly meet with (well meaning) resistance, often from inside the ranks of family and friends, if you choose to share you hopes, dreams and intentions with them. It is not the way we were brought up to view life. We learned to value a particular type of work, in a particular type of working structure, and anything outside of that was regarded with an element of suspicion, to say the least, as we knew so little about any alternatives that could bring us success or whatever it was we wanted. So then, along with the various hurdles that are there anyway, when creating a new lifestyle, a new business, and in particular a style of business that is against the 9-5 norm, not a 'steady job with prospects' so it's easy to be affected by the doubters who don't 'get it' and tell you so. (side point - after the acute effects of recession, in all honesty job security is not what it used to be, but in the minds of people raised to believe this is what should be striven for, it is a hard one to shift. We all want security, for sure, financial and emotional. In my experience, it's leaving it in the hands of others that is the risky bit).
Happily, all these hitches are more easily overcome than might at first be apparent. Some take actual work, some a little patience, some take mindset changes, but it is all do-able. Very do-able. With the right support. And a large serving of confidence, no matter what, that you are on the right track. At last. Enough that it will not let you waver, however tough times may get. ( also see my article big why). Other pluses are that you need no advanced skills, or previous internet business experience. You can learn everything you need to know.
So, now lets take a closer look. Time Freedom. What do YOU think it means? What do those two words say to you, convey to you, mean to you? Will any business give you this? Or are some a bit thin on turning the concept into reality? Or are you skeptical in the first place, a cynic who needs some convincing?
Time freedom is a concept whereby you do not trade time for money in order to earn your living. If you are on an hourly wage, for example, every hour you give your employer, you trade him an hour of your time for an hour of his pay. To earn more pay, you work more hours. Simple. No time, no freedom. I think some people call it being a wage slave. I have been one of those. But: there are only so many hours in a day, week, month and year. Mostly we have a finite limit on our income by working in this fashion. The best hope is for advancement and promotion, so that although we are still trading our time for our pay, we would expect to be paid more for the time we trade. Even, or especially at the top, when salaries are more common that payment per hour, the balance is not right. Many a top manager, director or CEO will find themselves working even longer hours in order to carry out their responsibilities. So in that way, the better you do, whilst you will be better remunerated, you are often equally or more stressed, tired and under pressure.
At both ends of the scale, this is seen to have adverse effects. Those on minimum wage work all hours just in the hope of making ends meet. They are often far from well off, so they experience the hardships of going without, the health risks associated with fast food diets, cheap food and little exercise. They need benefits to help with covering the bills and often are just plain exhausted and without any hope of change. Those at the top of the pile also experience stress, but of a different kind.
They suffer work related illnesses due to overwork and pressure which causes a burn out, working in a target driven climate where they dare not stop for fear of not driving profits up or percentages down, and in a different way can suffer similarly with weight and exercise issues. They have the financial means, but they have no time -sitting in cars or offices for long days at a time, and too tired to exercise at the end of the day.
So neither group has time freedom. And each group trades their time for money and stress. And to a degree, this is what we expect adult life to be. But why? We have one life, to be lived, not got through, and if there is another way to provide yet also have the quality of life you deserve, shouldn't we at least take a look, to see if it might be for us? I think we should. Knowledge is power, as they say, and at least if you say no, I don't think it's for me, I would rather stick to what I know, then you do so from an informed position. Not just hearsay. Many people enjoy rewarding and fulfilling employment, on all pay scales, and that's how it should be. Others need or want another avenue to success and fulfillment, which is where the time freedom business comes in. In order to give yourself time freedom, you need to adapt to a business model and lifestyle that is completely at odds with tradition. Once grasped, it is a very liberating feeling.
Running this type of online business is in direct contrast to running a traditional 'bricks and mortar ' business. Traditional businesses are as likely as the paid employment described above to bring long, long hours, often with little financial return, and overheads that scoop up all your earnings before you are able to take what's left. Rent, stock, utilities, seasonal variations, etc etc all take a chunk out of things before you get a look in. Cue stress, tiredness, lack of money, 17 hour days, and an uncertain future.
To run an online business gives you time freedom, done properly. Your website is your shop front, and your customers can pop in whenever they like, from any corner of the globe, night or day, rain or shine. You can automate it to a greater or lesser degree, so regular things go ahead as planned, without you at the keyboard. This type of business, however, has to put money in the bank too. It's no good, there is no point in having plenty of time to do as you wish, if you do not have the funds to do so. And that is where the second part of time freedom comes in. You need a 'time freedom business'. Oh heck,
I can hear the cynics sigh, please... does it get any fluffier? Well, yes and no!
Whilst this type of business can be up and running and making you money fairly quickly, please don't make the mistake of thinking that creating and growing your own time freedom business, lifting you out of your very own time freedom trap, will make you an overnight success. It won't. It may be online, it may bring you time and freedom, but it is a real proper business, which needs nurturing in order to bloom. It will, over time (and not as much time as you may think) provide you with all you are working for currently, and more, but you have to lay the ground work first. You need to learn your new craft, how it works, what to do, and what not to do. What you need, and what you do not. Once you get the hang of it, you can see how you will enjoy time freedom with financial security, all the more satisfying because you have created it, and are answerable to no-one.
Imagine, no more juggling working in the school holidays with who can have the kids. Being able to go to the fitness class you like that is usually in work hours. Say yes to a game of squash or a five a side footy match because you know you can make it and won't be held up at the office. Enjoying the quality time we all crave with our children as they grow up, not missing out, or hearing about it second hand after a long day in the office. That's what a time freedom business can do for you. One day.
As I said at the start, it's work, but not as we know it. Even though I did think I understood, in actual fact it's been a long time for me to truly, deeply get this, and see that it is attainable and I happily help others if they are interested, to see how it might work for them.
To understand time freedom, we also need to understand and buy into another concept, and get some more terminology under our belts. The way you create the freedom you want, is to leverage your time differently. Instead of working an hour for an hour's pay, you provide a product or service that more than one person can access at any time. (NB don't let that alarm you - its a bridge that is easily enough crossed and more skills learnt!) So, for example, once you have your product, you would be able to sell it, in any given hour, to many, many people, possibly hundreds. In different time zones, different continents, people will click 'buy now' and pop some pounds into your account.
Another way to think of it is that you do the work once (creating or sourcing your product) and it earns you money time and time again. It's not complicated, put like that. Always a good thing, to keep it simple. So, you see, in this example of how to earn a living, you work hard creating your product, and then you earn from it over and over again. One hours work that goes on giving. This is called leveraging. I had not really heard of it before either, in case you are worried! You will soon have the new language on the tip of your tongue. Once you see how powerful it is, you will wonder what took you so long!
The next step in the bid for time freedom is to create a stable of products that enable your satisfied customers to return and buy again with confidence, all the while attracting more new ones to purchase the first product you had made in that initial hour of work. You have now leveraged the value of that hour of work beyond all expectations, and all for one hour spent. Or two. However many hours it took to do or find, you will earn over and over again for the same work. That is time freedom. That is how you break away from your laptop, your office, your 9-5 and put yourself in a position to both provide financially and enjoy the time we all want with our nearest and dearest, and to live life to the full in the process.
One final beauty of this type of work, this kind of business, this style of life is that you can do it any time any place, anywhere. As long as you have a connection and laptop/tablet and in some cases just your smart phone, you can keep tabs on things, do an hour here and there all whilst getting on with whatever you really enjoy spending your time on. Although I would challenge you not to love running your new business. Your time freedom business. You can live where you choose, holiday when you like, work at whichever hour of the day or days of the week are convenient, and the job still gets done. Only somehow it stops feeling like a job. It's your time, your freedom.
So that, my friends, is what time freedom is all about. Are you in or are you out?
Time Freedom. It's for everyone. Are you going to make yours?
Did you recognise yourself? Are you caught in the time freedom
trap? Now you know what it is, do you want out? And do you want to know
how? In that case please visit http://www.mrscampbellmarketing.com
for more support, help, advice and information. I will also create a
special time freedom link for you so that you can cut straight to the
Mrs Campbell Marketing helps first time information publishers to get started, up and running with expert help, advice and blueprints for success. Written by experts, the blueprints guide you step by step, from creating your first report to building a solid business. Simple, easy to follow and written to help you succeed.
Mrs Campbell Marketing helps first time information publishers to get started, up and running with expert help, advice and blueprints for success. Written by experts, the blueprints guide you step by step, from creating your first report to building a solid business. Simple, easy to follow and written to help you succeed.
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