As an internet marketer you know that content is king in the world of digital marketing. The more valuable your content is, the easier it is for you to create consumers. One of the best ways of creating valuable content is by using audio Podcasts. Audio Podcasts have a number of advantages such as:
Cheap to create
While they make it easy for businesses and individuals to reach large audiences, they are cheap to create. This is because all you need is basic audio recording equipment such as a computer and microphone.
You also need internet connection and a way to deliver the podcast to the listeners. When you have the equipment and the right skills you will be able to create a high quality content for your customers. If you don't have the equipment you can always rent them or hire someone to create the content for you.
Easy to subscribe to
In addition to being easy to create, Podcasts are also easy to subscribe to. To subscribe the subscriber only needs to enter his/her name and email address and the podcast will be delivered to the subscriber via media player software such as Juice or iTunes.
Some apps are able to sync the chosen Podcast with the user's music player thus making it easy for the user to easily access up-to-date content.
How to use audio and podcasts
The first thing you need to do is to syndicate your audio to audio syndication sites. One of the best sites that you should syndicate to is iTunes. By syndicating, you make it easy for people to find and download your content.
Promote your content through social media channels. Here you need to make use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels to promote your podcasts. The best way is placing the iTunes link on your site. It's also wise to offer downloads directly from your site.
To create variety, you should include both podcasts and transcriptions on one page so that your users have the freedom of choosing the content that they want to consume.
Create blog posts: while Podcasts provide a lot of information, not everyone enjoys listening to them; therefore, you should create blog posts that contain the same content in a podcast. When creating a blog post you should ensure that you optimize the content accordingly for search engines.
These are a few ideas on how you can use your audio content to achieve more reach and visibility. For you to realize ideal results, you should do all the things right.
Stephen C Campbell is a marketing guru and offers consultancy services that include how to use podcasting and audio for business and digital marketing strategy development.
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