Saturday, August 30, 2014

How To Build An #InternetMarketing #Business In 5 Simple Steps

  From the outside looking in, creating an online business must seem like a gigantic task. If you simply type into Google ' how to start an online business' you will undoubtedly get a myriad of search results. In fact, at this authors last search, Google returned 853,000,000 results. Needless to say that there is most likely some amazing information out there. I know I have searched through hundreds of articles, and video's, courses, and eBooks to find the answer, and a clear concise way to get started. There are countless ways that work, and I believe one of the issues newcomers face when they get started is that they simply don't know where to start. I'm sure even this isn't the first article written to that effect either.

  So I guess that leaves the question, how do I get started? What I lay out here is a way for you to get started in internet marketing. This is the opportunity to get somewhat of a blueprint as to where to go and what steps to take. Despite the fact that this is free, what I lay out here is something that many others will charge thousands for. I know there are courses out there that will probably charge an ongoing fee to provide this same data. Please don't dismiss it because it's free. Most people probably will as that is human nature. The only difference between this article and something others may sell is that I'm not putting my affiliate links to earn commission from readers. I have assumed on this occasion that you are happy to get into the internet marketing niche as it is something that is evergreen, and there are always people wanting to change their lifestyle. Following this path, and you just might be the one to help them. Let's have a look...

1). Set up an Autoresponder

  A lasting business is any that you can build a customer base, and one that those customers keep coming back to buy from you. The internet is not much different. By simply developing a relationship with people online. This can be done in a number of ways, but the time and tested way is via email. Sounds fairly simple, but in reality it is a matter of emailing people on your email list, building trust with them, and eventually selling them either your, or other peoples products. You will find that people that on your email list will buy from you time and time again if they trust you, and that is the key here.
To set up an email list, most people use an autoresponder such as aweber, get response, or mail chimp.

  This should be your first step. This allows you to spend an afternoon writing emails, and loading them into your autoresponder to be sent at a later date. You can load as many as you like into the autoresponder. That means every new subscriber to your list will automatically receive the emails you have created. You can even get other people to write them for you once you have a large enough data base of emails.

2). Get a hosting account

  A hosting account in simple terms is where your website is stored. This is where you can upload documents, and various tools to help your website function. Many people choose the likes of hostgator, or perhaps bluehost, but it is really up to you which one you prefer. Like anything, make sure you do your homework and choose wisely.

3). Set up a simple web page

  Set up a splash page, which is also known as a landing page. This is where people will click to subscribe to your email list. Whilst this may seem tricky, it's actually not too bad. Thankfully in the modern age we have such services as This is a marketplace where you can buy and sell items, and services for $5.00. You can buy landing pages for $5.00 here. Usually for an extra $5.00 you can get the person to upload it directly to your hosting account. Might I add at this point, that you have not had to learn any coding, programming, or complicated computer language. You have simply followed an easy process to get to this point. As part of your landing page, a customer isn't going to simply fill in their details because you want them to. The key here is to give them something of value, that they can use, or information that they might be looking for. By giving something away for free, you are also playing a huge role in their psychological reasoning for buying off you at a later point. I should probably mention at this point that you can't just give them anything that is already available online. You need to give them something that they can utilise, and that the y haven't found a thousand times previously. This will help to build your relationship with your readers, as they will be eager to receive correspondence from you to gain further drops of wisdom. Thankfully, this can also be outsourced on If you type in 'PLR ebooks' into fiverr, you will get a large number of these that you can buy to use as your free give away.

4). Get Traffic

  This is probably one of the harder parts of your business. To do this consistently will be the ultimate challenge. You can quite easily get 100,000 people to visit your website, but that doesn't always equate to quality traffic that would be prepared to get their credit cards out to buy your product, or one that you are promoting. There are numerous ways to get traffic to your site, which I won't go into too much detail here. That would take up an entire book, let alone a single article. I think the easiest, and most cost effective way to get traffic that is prepared to buy from you is to buy solo ads. A solo ad is an advertisement in someone else's email list. You usually pay for clicks. As an example, you may pay anywhere from $0.35 - $0.70 per click to your website. Whilst this is more expensive than other traffic methods, the reason why solo ads work is because they are already primed. In most cases they have been on another list for sometime, and will have received some great information. If an email arrives to your inbox that you usually enjoy reading, then you are more likely to click on the link should that email mention it. This means that your job of building trust and credibility is already half done. If you Google 'solo ad providers' you will get numerous results. Start by doing a test by buying only a small amount of clicks at first, then ramp it up should they provide good service.

  As mentioned, the entire genre of getting traffic to a website is a huge one. This is just one small drop in the larger realm of internet marketing and traffic techniques. I still believe that it provides the best results that can be managed easy.

5). Create a relationship with your readers

  As mentioned in the first step, you need to be able to build a relationship with your readers in order for them to firstly trust you, and secondly in order to be able to provide something that they need. Finally, by building a relationship your readers will have no issues when you start promoting various products and services to them. So, how do you go about this? What can I offer to my readers to help them succeed online? Brilliant questions. If you move your focus onto helping people, then the money will flow. It's as simple as that. What can I write about when I hardly know the topic at all? This is a great question. Firstly, you really don't need to know too much about your chosen topic to write content for it. Think of it this way; if someone has clicked on a link, and signed up for your newsletter, you are already pre-approved in their mind as something of an authority figure. Imagine you write an email newsletter that simply expands on what I have discussed here. You could write on the pitfalls you faced in the details that weren't mentioned here. Sometimes, it is purely about making contact. Maybe one day you write on marketing, the next you write something witty about your own life. The possibilities are endless here. Your only limitation is yourself.

  The final step here is to rinse and repeat. As your momentum grows, you will discover how easy it is. Do this as the core of your business, and the rest can be modelled around it.

  I hope this has given some insight into how to get started online. I wish you great success with your future, and remember that there are no short cuts. Like all information, it is of little use unless you take action.

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