Let me tell you something that I did incredibly stupid when I first started my business online. I had bought this product which came with rights to reprint and resell it. I was stoked! I paid $497 for this product, and I literally thought that I was going to be making $10,000 a month within the next 3 months after purchasing the course.
Unfortunately, I managed to lose over $2,000 in promoting this product. I was working at a local restaurant at the time, and from time to time, very rich and wealthy people would come and dine in, and I couldn't help but to look and adore their lifestyle. They were living life on their own terms, and it was something that I wanted REALLY bad.
So what happened with the product? Well, I studied the course 3 times more, and thought that I was 98% there, but was just missing the elusive 2%. Now that I'm older and much more wiser with internet marketing, I now see that I was actually 2% there, and I was missing the elusive 98% LOL.
My point is this. Whenever you start selling online, don't take things for face value. You have to learn how to work smarter, and not harder. You can do all the free marketing in the world each and everyday - but understand that if you want FAST targeted traffic to your site, you will need to implement some paid advertising into the mix.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't do free marketing. I actually love free marketing. Everyday I do free marketing in my business - although I don't have to. I personally do free marketing to lower my overall costs of paid advertising. And it works. I know what I'm doing. A lot of people undervalue free marketing nowadays, and because of it, they don't earn as much money as they could be making in their business.
If you're someone who just has a lot of money laying around from saving at previous jobs... it may be in your best interest to hire an internet marketing coach or consultant. I personally do consulting, but my fees are astronomical... because I value my time so much. So if I'm going to do some consulting, unfortunately for you... you're going to have to PAY for it LOL.
Learn how to automate your business. Nowadays I have a personal saying that I say to myself everyday. I say to myself: "Live your future now." That basically means that however you envision your life to be 10 years from now, make sure you start living that kind of life NOW.
So when the time does come 10 years from now, you won't have to "shift" your lifestyle. People will look at you the same way. You will learn how to be humble and quiet with your earnings, and you will learn how to enjoy the many pleasures of life... instead of going bankrupt because you're all of a sudden making money now.
Keep these tips in mind, and good luck with having success in your internet business.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps site owners learn how to market their website online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website: http://www.internetmarketing-rules.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Randall_A_Magwood
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