Monday, August 18, 2014

5 Inventive Internet Marketing Ideas

1.) Viral Video

  Viral video marketing has been around for a few years now, but comparatively few businesses have tried this method of marketing in spite of the possible benefits. Videos that go viral can reach millions of people and they do not have to be professionally produced or require large sums of money to produce. In fact, some of the best viral videos cost very little to generate.

  The key to viral videos is finding something that captures the imagination of large numbers of people, it can be funny, cute or serious, but definitely has to have mass appeal. The aim is to get them to share it with their friends and colleagues. Once this starts to happen, the views increase exponentially. Investing in viral video marketing can pay off enormously when just one goes viral. Don't be put off though if your first attempt doesn't hit the mark, choose another subject and try again.

  One good way to find inspiration is to go to You Tube and watch a selection of "most viewed" videos to get a feel for what has worked for others.

2.) Go Mobile

  Mobile devices, Smartphones, Tablets etc are undoubtedly the number one choice for internet browsing these days. People increasingly want instant gratification. Why wait until you're home to use the PC or Laptop when you can surf the web wherever you happen to be?

  This provides a unique opportunity for you to target potential customers both geographically and demographically. In addition, the bulk of mobile surfers tend to be of the younger generation and if you do it right, they will be customers for years to come.

3) Create Attention Grabbing Competitions

  People love quizzes and competitions, especially when they are free to enter, with the possibility of winning a substantial prize. Pick a prize that has a wide appeal or is targeted at a particular niche.

  If your budget is tight, you can always use a free sample of your product as the prize or ask one of your suppliers to contribute a prize in exchange for free publicity.

  Make sure that you advertise the competition widely, in order to gain maximum exposure and allow sufficient lead time for people to respond and make sure that you have a lead capture system in place to gather prospects details for follow up later.

  Finally, make sure that you publicise the winners details widely to show those who entered the competition, but didn't win, that the competition was genuine. If possible ask the winner to provide a short testimonial stating how pleased they are and how easy and worthwhile it was.

4.) Be Gender Specific

  A recent trend that is achieving good results is more gender-specific marketing. Whilst this is not a new concept, Yorkie (chocolate bars) were doing this in the UK many years ago, with their "tongue in cheek" adverts. In addition, gender specific products have always geared their marketing towards their target audience. However the use of reverse psychology when pitching to the opposite gender can be very influential. Also positioning a product or service to exclude one gender can have a powerful effect.

  A word of warning though. Be careful that your campaign does not offend the other half of the population.

  When done correctly and often with humour, such targeting can work quite well as the recent Dr. Pepper campaign for their new soft drink has shown. Correctly crafted, your gender specific marketing campaign can reap big benefits as it presents your products or services in a new light.

5.) Customer Advertising

  A number of well known brands have grown their businesses using their customers to create adverts promoting their products and services.

  Ask your customers to create short, video testimonials about your products or services, and use that to promote your business. Use your most loyal customers as advocates to endorse your company. If your customers are reluctant or shy about being seen on camera, you can always fall back on written testimonials. These endorsements can be used on your web site, as stand alone videos on video sites such as You Tube or Vimeo, or as part of a hard copy campaign.

  Hi, I'm Bernard Richards, I'm a Business Advisor and online business owner. I'm interested in sharing my knowledge and experience with people who want to start up their own business or who have an online business and want to improve their results.

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